
Ted Cruz: ‘We Need to Cut off the Money to Iran,’ Biden Admin. Is ‘Funding’ Hamas Attack

‘Shut off their oil sales’
By Grabien Staff


CRUZ: "Well, look, they've been engaged in secret deals from the beginning. Biden's number one foreign policy priority was to enter into another Iran nuclear deal. But their answer is: funnel billions of dollars into Iran. The ayatollah is a theocratic, homicidal, genocidal maniac who leads mobs in chanting 'Death to America!' and 'Death to Israel!' And if you look at the four pots of money that have gone to Hamas, you have the $6 billion to Iran, you've got, three weeks before that, $10 billion to Iran — again, from the Biden Administration. The biggest pot is $80 billion because Biden won’t enforce the oil sanctions. So Joe Biden and the Democrats are allowing Iran today to sell $2 billion barrels of oil a day, primarily to communist China. That is funding these Hamas terrorists. And then the fourth pot of money is the Biden Administration sent hundreds of million dollars into Gaza after the Biden administration had concluded there was a high likelihood that money would go to Hamas to fund terrorism against Israel. We need to cut off all of that money. No money for Gaza, no money for Iran, shut off their oil sales, starve them of cash. That’s step number one. Step number two: We need to fund Israel's defensive weaponry, the Iron Dome, missile defense, give them the weapons they need. And then step number three: Israel will be demonized by Democrats and the corrupt corporate media. We need to make clear that Hamas is using human shields and Israel has a right to defend itself. We need to stand up and speak the truth. I am doing that every week on my podcast, 'Verdict with Ted Cruz.' You are doing that. Thank you, Sean, for speaking the truth."

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