
‘The Optics Here Are Not Good’: Coates on the ‘Appearance of Impropriety’ in the Willis-Wade Case

‘I was concerned at one moment in terms of him showing his hand’
By Grabien Staff


COATES: “Well, these people who are trying to disqualify Fani Willis want you to know that they think that ethical conduct rises the level of disqualification. But they have to actually prove it in the actual cases in chief. They have to show that there was a conflict of interest, in this case, a financial benefit that undermined the ability to get a fair trial for these defendants. The judge was concerned more about whether they had met that burden, as he should be, and that question is up in the air. They tried to talk about playing the race card, the religion card by her now famous church speech where she talked about why they were targeting and singling out Nathan Wade, the black prosecutor on the case. There’s also a moment in terms of the judge trying to figure out what the parameters ought to be. It is an extreme, extreme motion to try to disqualify an elected official. Remember she’s elected from a case and her entire office goes longer than this. This judge is trying to be very cautious, but I was concerned at one moment in terms of him showing his hand. He’s concerned about the appearance of impropriety as well. The optics here are not good.”

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