
Tim Scott on Trump’s Appearance at the Libertarian National Convention: ‘I Saw a Wave of Red Hats’

‘Donald Trump’s popularity continues to increase’
By Grabien Staff


SCOTT: "Well, I saw a wave of red hats at the Libertarian Convention. Donald Trump's popularity continues to increase. But then he's not just going to the Libertarian Convention. He's also doing rallies in Bronx. He's doing something, what I consider a 50-state strategy. He doesn't just want to win the votes of the American people. He's trying to win the hearts of the American people, unite our country, and start steering us towards the strongest, most powerful, prosperous future we could have. So I give him a lot of credit in going to places where Republicans have not gone before. If we're going to win this election cycle, we must go where we're not invited. And to see the former president take that seriously is, in my opinion, a strong sign and one of the reasons why, Dana, we are seeing the poll numbers moving in his direction. It's pretty exciting to see the kind of response he's getting across the country."

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