
Trump: As President, I’ll Reinstitute ANWR Drilling ‘Very Quickly’

‘But think of it, so we were rocking and rolling, we were energy-independent, we were soon going to be double the size’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “We have more liquid gold than any country in the world, including Saudi Arabia and including — and then I do ANWR in Alaska, which is the biggest find, as big as Saudi Arabia, some people say it’s bigger, and Biden closes it up in his first week. The first Department of Interior, the woman — the person in charge, closed it in her first today in office. Ronald Reagan tried to get it, he couldn't get it. Everybody tried to get it, Bush... I got it. And they closed it up. But I’ll reinstitute it very quickly. It’ll happen very fast. But think of it, so we were rocking and rolling, we were energy-independent, we were soon going to be double the size. We were in third place and even beyond that when I took the over. We were leading — you have to see a graph. Russia, Saudi Arabia above them, Russia second, we’re third. And then we go like this. I mean, we were — we were going to be energy-dominant. We were  doing things. The way you have to solve it is through growth."

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