
Trump Attorney: Judge Was Interrupting Trump During Trial, ‘There Was a Fiery Exchange’

‘I’m very polite, I’m very professional when I’m in the courtroom’
By Grabien Staff


HABBA: “It’s really — they’re cutting him off. And I objected. And there was a fiery exchange with the judge. Frankly, I can’t even say it was with the judge and I. I’m very polite. I’m very professional when I’m in the courtroom. But the judge did not like him finishing or explaining because it wasn’t good for their case. And he is interfering. He’s made his decision, let’s not forget that, Larry. He made his decision on summary judgment. He found liability already. So now we’re wasting taxpayer dollars for months and months and months, $450,000 for an expert the AG paid, taxpayer dollars, New York taxpayer dollars. We’re wasting all this time, and he won’t even let the president, who’s the person they’re trying to get to, explain why he certified to certain values. Why? Because the minute he starts to explain, it ruins their case. He was worth more than his statement of financial condition. And Ms. James, her politics are not allowing her now to backtrack.”

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