
Trump Complains About Migrants with Cell Phones: ‘Our Veterans Don’t Have Cell Phones, Do They?’

‘Who’s paying their bills, Marjorie?’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "Biden puts China first, Mexico first, Ukraine first, Europe first, Asia first, illegal aliens first, above our great veterans. You know that. Puts the illegal aliens above our veterans. Our veterans live like hell. You know — you see what's happening. You ever see the illegal aliens? They come in by the tens of thousands, sometimes a day. And they all have cell phones. I'm saying, where do they get the cell phones? Everybody has a cell phone. They’re all talking on these beautiful cell phones. And they're expensive ones, too. They're nice ones. Somebody who's into that said those are good phones. And then I said, who pays their bills? Who is paying their bills, Margie? You want to check that? I’ll give it to Marjorie. She will figure that out fast. No, but you ever notice? They’re all coming in with cell phones. Our veterans don’t have cell phones, do they? But they put illegal aliens first and everyone first.”


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