
Trump: ‘First of All, Obama Hates Biden and Biden Hates Obama’

‘They’ve got some big problems over there’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: "They have got some big problems over there. But first of all, Obama hates Biden and Biden hates Obama. When Obama walked Biden out a couple of weeks ago off the stage, he did not have to do that. He could have let him wave to the people a little bit longer. I don't know if Joe knew who he was waving to, but he was waving. And all of a sudden, Obama comes along, grabs him, 'Come along, Joe,' like he was a child. It made him look so bad. And I know people with Biden, I know people with Obama, and they were not happy about that. It made him look really bad, like a child, like a child. They don't like each other.”

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