
Trump: ‘I Got Along with Putin, It’s Good to Get Along with People on the Other Side’

‘I gave Javelins to Ukraine’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “Charging a former president of the United States under the Espionage Act of 1917. Espionage, me? Espionage. As Putin said, ‘You are the most vicious president ever. There’s never been a president that did this to me.’ And yet I got along with him, isn’t that nice? Don’t forget, I ended his pipeline first day. I ended it, I said, ‘No more pipeline’ in the middle of construction. Biden came in and he approved it. I gave Javelins, remember this? I gave Javelins to Ukraine. They were the anti-tank missiles and they knocked the hell out of Russia. But I got along with Putin and it’s good to get along with people on the other side. It’s very good.”

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