
Trump: I’m the First to Run for President Under a Gag Order, I’ve Been Indicted More than ‘Scarface’

‘I’m not allowed to criticize people’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “Today a judge put on a gag order. I’ll be the only politician in history that runs with a gag order where I’m not allowed to criticize people, can you imagine this? Do you believe this? I’m not allowed to criticize people. So we’ll see. We’ll appeal it. And we’ll see, but it’s so unconstitutional. The good thing is, we have so much support it’s incredible. And it just makes it even more so. Look, I’m the only guy that ever got indicted. I got indicted more than Alphonse Capone. Did anyone ever hear of Al — Al Capone, if you looked him — if you looked at him the wrong way, he was seriously tough, right? Scarface. You know, they called him Scarface, he had a little scar on there, I’m sure it was a minor accident. But Al Capone, if you looked at him in the wrong way, if he didn’t like you, you looked at him a little bit askance, he blew your brains out. He was only indicted one time. I’ve been indicted four times, and in addition, I have the civil trials that are all coming out of the Justice Department.”

(Via RealClearPolitics)

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