
Trump: If Caravan Permitted Entry, Caravans Will Become ‘Bigger and Bolder’

‘Once they arrive, the Democrat Party’s vision is to offer them free health care, free welfare, free education, and the right to vote’
By Grabien Staff

TRUMP: "We have to have our borders. We cannot let drugs come in. It's not just people, drugs, human traffickers. Human trafficking is now at the highest level in the world that it has ever been because of the Internet. Think of it, human trafficking. Think back 200 years, 500 years. Human trafficking. Where they steal children, in many case women, unfortunately. They steal women. The human traffickers. The lowest scum on Earth. It is at a level it has never been worldwide, never been at a level like this. If these caravans are allowed into our country, only bigger and more emboldened caravans will follow, and you see that is what is happening now. We have one that's coming up and it is being somewhat dissipated as they march but then other people are joining it and then it gets bigger. If you look back at on Honduras and El Salvador, other ones are forming. You have new ones that are forming. We call it caravan number two, unbelievably rough people. Very, very hard for the military to stop it. Our military will have no problem. Mexico is having a very, very hard time with it. Once they arrive, the Democrat Party’s vision is to offer them free health care, free welfare, free education, and even the right to vote. You and the hard-working taxpayers of our country will be asked to pick up the entire tab. That is what is happening."

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