
Trump: Illegal Immigrants Get a Court Case in 5 Years; ‘Me, I Get a Court Case in 30 Days’

‘And they never show up and nobody cares’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “Now, by contrast, in his first 100 days in office, crooked Joe Biden and the radical left Marxists took 94 open border actions. Think of it, 94. They cancelled the border wall, ordered a virtual shutdown of ICE, implemented nationwide Catch and Release. Nobody’s ever seen the kind of things he did. They got to hate our country. Ended Remain in Mexico. Remember remain — it used to be remain in the United States and come back in five years for your court case. Me, I get a court case in 30 days. They get — takes them five years. Takes them five years, come back. And they never show up and nobody cares.”

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