
Trump: Letitia James Defrauded the Public with This Trial

‘This is a disgraceful situation’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “This is an attorney general, Letitia, that went out and campaigned on, 'I will get Trump no matter what. I will get Trump. I promise I’ll get him.' We have new tapes out there now that have come out since the trial because people took tapes of her because they couldn't believe her ranting and raving like a lunatic. But this is the attorney general of New York state, Letitia James, and she shouldn't be allowed to be attorney general. She's defrauded the public with this trial. She said that Mar-a-Lago, she convinced the judge that Mar-a-Lago was worth — in Palm Beach, Florida, the most expensive land in the world, I guess, and the most expensive houses, definitely, in the world — that Mar-a-Lago's biggest house, the most spectacular place in all of Florida was worth $18 million when it's worth approximately — could be close to hundred times that amount. And based on that testimony and based on her convincing the judge that Mar-a-Lago was worth $18 million instead of $1 billion to $1.5 billion, which would sell very easily, which we've already proven but we'll have people come up and say that to prove it, the most important people, the brokers that make the sale, but based on that he ruled against me, he ruled fraud. I mean, he said fraud. They are the fraudulent people, because they ruled the house that was worth — they put it down as worth $18 million and it's worth maybe close to a hundred times that amount. And based on that they ruled against me having to do with fraud, which is a big statement. But they are the frauds because the house is worth $1 billion, $1.5 billion, $750 million, it's worth a fortune, most expensive house probably in the world, and they said it's worth $18 million.”

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