
Trump on Georgia Indictment: ‘It’s Just a Continuation of a Witch Hunt ... They’re Sick People’

‘They are people that have no idea how the world works’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “It’s a witch hunt. It’s just a continuation of a witch hunt. They want to silence you, and they mean silence. They are — I think they’re sick people. I think they are people that have no idea how the world works and they have no idea the anger they cause. We have a tremendous group of people in this country and I’m not just talking about Republicans. We have them on both sides and we have a lot of them, and when they watch this witch hunt, this disgusting situation where they do it for publicity, where they do fundraisers based on it, she — in her case, and they’re all bad, but in her case, because I have four of them now if you look. This is not even possible, four, over the next, last couple months. And frankly, it discredits everything and they’re all very similar in the sense that they’re — there is no basis for them.”

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