
Trump on His Comments About Milwaukee: ‘Who Would Say Something Bad About a Place That You Want to Win?’; ‘I Love Milwaukee’

‘Who would do that?’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “They have to lie because frankly, if they don’t, they have no chance of getting elected. And it’s a shame, frankly, when I hear a story like that. Milwaukee bothered me because when you’re the one that picked it and we have great spirit going into Milwaukee and the people of Wisconsin, as you know, we’re leading in the polls, so what do they do? They lie and they make up a story that I said something bad about Milwaukee. And I just ask you this, who would do that? Who would say something bad about a place that you want to win, you want to win over? The only thing I say is I want to keep this election nice and honest, and if we do that, I’m going to be very happy. But I love Milwaukee, and that’s why I picked it.”

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