
Trump on His Song with J6 Prison Choir: ‘It Beat Taylor Swift, It Beat Miley Cyrus’

‘When that came out, it went to the number one song’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “Well, thank you very much. And you know what that was. That was — I call them the J6 hostages. Not prisoners, I call them the hostages, what’s happened, and it’s a shame. And, you know, they did that and they asked me whether or not I would partake and do the beautiful words. And I said yes, I would. And you saw the spirit. The spirit was incredible. And when that came out, it went to the number one song, it was beating everybody. It beat Taylor Swift, it beat Miley Cyrus, who was number one. They were number one until we knocked them off for a long time. That song was out there for a long time. Then, of course, they had a problem with the internet, right, you know. And so, all of a sudden, they said oh, there’s a problem, we’ll have to take it off. And we raised hell, and it went back on. That was up there for a long time. It was the number one record, our song. There was for months, so I just want to tell you about it, and I thought maybe this would be an appropriate place. It’s certainly an appropriate state. I love Texas. It’s big and strong.”

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