
Trump: ‘The Gag Order Has to Come Off’

‘Everyone else can say whatever they want about me’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “The gag order has to come off. People are allowed to speak about me and I have a gag order. Just to show you how much more unfair it is. And the conflict has to end with the judge. The judge has a conflict, the worst I’ve ever seen. It has to end with the judge. The gag order has to come off. I should be allowed to speak. Every time I come out to speak to you, I want to be open because we’ve done absolutely nothing wrong. I showed you yesterday 32 stories of experts, legal experts. I don’t have one the other way. 32 stories of legal experts saying very strongly there is no case, this is a case that should not have been brought, Trump did nothing wrong. They say it strongly, Trump did nothing wrong. So, they ought to get rid of the conflict with the judge, because that’s something that he cannot do anything about. It is wrong. It is wrong. The second thing is, I have to be released of the gag order. They have taken away my constitutional right to speak. That includes speaking to you. I have a lot to say to you and I am not allowed to say it. I’m the only one. Everyone else can say whatever they want about me. They can say anything they want, they can continue to make up lies and everything else. They lie. They are real scum. But you know what? I’m not allowed to speak. I want to be able to speak to the press and everybody else about it. So why am I gagged about telling the truth? I’m only telling the truth. They aren’t telling the truth. The judge has to take off this gag order. It is very, very unfair that my constitutional rights have been taken away. Thank you very much."

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