
Trump: What’s Going on at the College Level ‘Is a Disgrace and It’s Really on Biden ... He Doesn’t Know Who He’s Backing’

‘He is the worst president in the history of our country’
By Grabien Staff


TRUMP: “What's going on at the college level, with colleges, Columbia, NYU and others, is a disgrace and it's really on Biden. He has the wrong signals, he's got the wrong tone, he's got the wrong words, he doesn't know who he's backing, and it's a mess. If this were me, they'd be after me, they'd be after me so much, but they're trying to give him a pass. What's going on is a disgrace to our country. And it's all Biden's fault and everybody knows it. He has no message, he's got no compassion, he doesn't know what he's doing, he can't put two sentences together, frankly. He is the worst president in the history of our country. And again, what's going on is a disgrace.”

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