
Tucker: ‘I’m Advocating to a Return to America of 1993; Is that Really Radical?’

‘I think we should be demanding it’
By Grabien Staff


CARLSON: “Of course. And, by the way, I should just be very, very clear. If I was — I’m like the one person on the planet you don’t need to guess about my motives, I’ll just say them. And if I was advocating for a different form of government, for authoritarianism, for a strongman, I would just say so. I would have no shame in saying that, because I really believe that it’s within my rights to say what I think. If I — I’ve been called a racist. If I was racist, I would just say it. I would just say it, but I’m not. And I’m not advocating for that, I’m advocating to return to America of, say, 1993. How radical — is that really radical? No, I don’t think that’s very radical. In fact, I think we should be demanding it.”

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