
Tucker Presents Damning Letter Proving Joe Biden Got Too Involved with Foreign Business Deals

‘He is a vice president of the United States, and he’s talking about foreign business deals with you [Devon Archer] and thanking you for that’
By Grabien Staff


ARCHER: “Well — first of all, it’s a lovely letter, and it was —“

CARLSON: “(laughs) It’s quite enthusiastic! It’s a little weird, though, right?”

ARCHER: “Yeah, well it was — listen, it was — it was kind of the beginning of our partnership and he was thanking me and thanking Hunter, I think, at the end of day, for bringing this idea of this government regulatory strategic advisory business into the private equity world, and I think he was excited about the prospects for Hunter and, you know, he was just — just thanking me. I think it was a nice gesture.”

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