
Turley on Immunity Case Arguments: ‘A Good Day for Donald Trump’

‘There were five justices that were clearly not buying into the D.C. circuit approach’
By Grabien Staff


TURLEY: "Well, if this trajectory continues from oral arguments, it was a good day for Donald Trump because there were five justices that clearly were not buying into the D.C. Circuit's approach. Now that does not mean that they are going to say that Trump is immune from prosecution, but at a minimum, if that is the case, they would likely have to remand it to the district court to say, 'We need you to develop this record a little further. If they do that, it is hard to see how this could possibly be tried before the election. And if former President Trump is made the next president, then Jack Smith may never see a jury in this case, I mean, it could end the prosecution."

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