
Turley: Trump’s ‘Disinformation Indictment’ Is All Part of the First Amendment

‘I mean, everything in this indictment is basically what has been discussed in the news’
By Grabien Staff


TURLEY: "And I think that it’s a mistake to omit material like that. But the most jarring thing about this indictment is that it basically just accuses him of disinformation. This is a disinformation indictment. It says, 'You were spreading falsehoods. You were undermining the integrity of the election.' That's all part of the First Amendment and I think that courts will look skeptically. He might have a fair shot with a D.C. jury and maybe a D.C. judge. He is going to have a harder time with the courts. And this reminds me of sort of the McDowell complaint where he took the Virginia governor, got a conviction, and then it was unanimously overturned by the Supreme Court. It is a bridge too far.“

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