
Two Days Before Interviewing Biden, Stephanopoulos Blasts Trump: It’s The Job of the Media to Tell Americans How Dangerous He Is

‘You know, this could have been stopped after January 6th’
By Grabien Staff


BEHAR: “I mean, what more does the guy have to do to convince these people that he's -- he's inadequate, at the very least? What is your point of view on that?"
STEPHANOPOULOS: "It is close right now. I think the polls do show that he's ahead probably in the states that matter."
BEHAR: "Yeah."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "The most largely because President Biden isn't doing as well as last time with younger voters and black voters."
BEHAR: "Why? Because of what?"
STEPHANOPOULOS: "I think there's a lot of reasons for it, but really, I think the most important thing that people should understand about this election is how far from normal it is. We have never had a former president, a presidential candidate, who was impeached and then indicted for trying to overturn an election. Never --"
HOSTIN: "Never."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "-- in all of our history. We've never had a former president, a presidential candidate who lies about the election that he lost."
HOSTIN: "Yeah."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "We've never had a former president or presidential candidate who refuses to pledge to accept the results of the next election if he lost. You know, the peaceful transfer of power is the most fundamental tenet of our democracy."
STEPHANOPOULOS: "Refusing to accept it, I think is un-American. I believe it's unconstitutional. And I think it's the job of the media to put that into context." (Cheering and Applause)


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