
Tx. Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick Slams Biden for ‘Neanderthal’ Comment: ‘We’re Just Not Taking Away the Freedom and Liberty in Texas’

‘Joe Biden wants to do it’
By Grabien Staff


PATRICK: “I spoke to 150 seniors last night, in Georgetown, Texas, north of Austin. Two people that I saw had masks on. When I travel around the state there are people who just don’t wear masks. And there is no sanction to them even though there was a mandate or at least it is through next Wednesday. But there are no sanctions. People made their decisions on their own. And I travel in many places where everyone has a mask. We’re not saying don’t do it. In fact at the Capitol we’re staying we strongly suggest you wear a mask. I wear a mask when I am around people out of respect to them if they want me to. We’re saying to people still social distance. We’re just not taking away the freedom and liberty in Texas from people that they are doing in Democrat states and Joe Biden wants to do.”

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