
TYT’s Ana Kasparian: ‘It Is a Lie That Puberty Blockers Are Reversible ... They Can Cause Irreparable Harm’

‘Withholding the information because you don’t like the information getting out there ain’t the way to go’
By Grabien Staff


KASPARIAN: “He did straight news reporting on basically what, you know, some of the risk could be when it comes to transitioning literal kids with puberty blockers and then cross-sex hormones. And through his reporting — which I’m very sad to say I didn’t really come across until this year — I learned that I was wrong about a bunch of other things, right? So, for instance, it is a lie that puberty blockers are reversible. In some cases they are not, and they can cause irreparable harm. And, look, you might think okay, but you got to do a balancing act and, if someone, if a child or if a teenager has severe gender dysphoria and it would actually be better for that person to go on puberty blockers — okay. I mean, we should be able to balance that out.”

(via Twitter)

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