
University of Pennsylvania Student Refers to Hamas Terrorists as ‘Freedom Fighters’ and Calls the Oct. 7 Attack ‘Glorious, Joyful, And Powerful’

‘I want you all to remember how you felt when you saw those images and heard the news. I remember feeling so empowered and happy, so confident that victory was near and so tangible’
By Grabien Staff


TARAWANEH: "A friend from back home recently reminded me of something which I would like to share with all of you. Do you guys remember the photo of the kids and men laughing and smiling as they sat on top of Israeli military Jeep captured by our Freedom Fighters?"
CROWD: "Yes."
TARAWANEH: "Do you remember that picture?"
CROWD: "Yes."
TARAWANEH: "How about the photos of the bulldozer breaking through the dusty border. Do you remember that picture?"
CROWD: "Yes."
TARAWANEH: "And the several other joyful and powerful images which came from the glorious October 7th?"
CROWD: "Yes."
TARAWANEH: "I want you to picture those in your minds. I want you all to remember how you felt when you saw those images and heard the news. I remember feeling so empowered and happy, so confident that victory was near and so tangible.” (Cheering) 


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