
USA Today’s Chambers: Even if Biden Is on TikTok, He’d Sign Bill to Ban Them

‘This is the realities of governing versus campaigning’
By Grabien Staff


CHAMBERS: "This is the realities of governing versus campaigning when you need the youth vote in the upcoming presidential election, and that is where they are and that’s where the Biden campaign has been taking its message. But President Biden himself has said that he would sign this bill if it does pass Congress. It does have bipartisan support, so if it were to get to his desk, you would see them do that. And the White House has previously said it’s up to Congress to pass something like that. They had not found a way, I guess, to be able to get around what Trump could not get around either, which is how the president could ban it even if have wanted to. The ball is in Congress's court now."

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