
Van Jones: Biden Is Like that Grandpa that You Love, But You Start to Wonder, Would You Give This Grandpa a High-Stress Job for Six More Years?

‘People are scared to say anything about it, but I think it’s important for us to have this conversation now’
By Grabien Staff


JONES: “Joe Biden is like that grandpa that you love that you believe in, you owe a lot, but you -- you start to wonder, you know, would you give this grandpa a high-stress job for six more years or would you want something else for him? That's what's being talked about. And people are scared to come out and talk -- and say anything about it. But I think it's important for us to have this conversation now. I think this may be the bottom for Joe Biden. He may go up as the economy improves. But right now the economy is getting better and fears about the economy are getting worse. We got to be honest as Democrats that there's real pain out there at the base of our party. People still don't feel these policies yet. And we're going to have to make the case stronger. We can't just say, 'Don't worry about it.' We have to make a stronger case for -- for -- for -- for the help that's on the way than we have so far.”


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