
Van Jones: Black Men Are Not Going to Put up with Republicans Insulting Black Women

‘This is going to work out badly’
By Grabien Staff


JONES: "This is going to work out badly, because they‘ve worked very hard to attract black men into Republican Party, they worked very hard to attract Latin men into Republican Party, and they were ever getting a little bit of momentum there. There are a lot of black men who are saying, 'Democrats don‘t do anything for us and Biden‘s weak and...' — the people, they‘re starting to look over there at the Republican Party. You start insulting black women, you‘re going to see something you haven‘t seen before. Black men are not going to put up with that. I want to send out a warning as clear as I can. I was on a phone call with 20,000 black men, the word 'protect' came up about 1,000 times. 'Protect this sister. Protect this sister. We're going to protect.' You‘re about to see something you haven‘t seen before. Look, people messed around with Hillary Clinton and said a bunch of mean stuff to her. Black men sat that out. We won‘t sit this out. So I don‘t think that the Republican Party understands that all the work that they did trying to get us over there, two more days of this, it‘s going to be a problem."

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