
Van Jones: Fulton County D.A. ‘Threw the Library’ at Trump and Co.

‘The difference between her approach and Jack Smith’s approach is really night and day’
By Grabien Staff


JONES: "Well, she didn’t throw the book at him, she threw the library. I think the difference between her approach and Jack Smith’s approach is really night and day. Jack Smith said, 'There is a bunch of bad actors here, I’m going after one person, Donald Trump. I’m going to be very, very narrow.' She went after 18 other people, so very different approach. Also, Jack Smith says hands off Mark Meadows, which signals that Mark Meadows, despite being corrupt and horrible, is cooperating. She puts her hands on Mark Meadows in this. So you have got a very different player that just stepped on the field with a very different playbook and a very different sense of what justice looks like. I think the people that I am hearing from are very, very proud because this RICO stuff, conspiracy stuff, you’ve got kids in neighborhoods across this country that have gone to jail on RICO charges, conspiracy charges. You’ve got kids in jails who were standing outside of the convenience store, their friend went inside and did something stupid, and now everybody they know is in jail So we are very familiar with the book, the library, half of being thrown at us when somebody does something wrong, and so this is actually what justice looks like. If you say you don’t want a two-tiered justice system, this is what not having a two-tiered justice system looks like. You have an aggressive prosecutor, she is going after you, everybody you know, and she is not messing around. So, this is a very different prosecutor and a very different playbook than you saw with Jack Smith."

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