
‘View’ Hosts Savage Katie Britt’s State of the Union Response: ‘She Should Be in a Padded Room’

‘A disaster from start to finish… It’s International Women’s Day and we put the senator in the kitchen’
By Grabien Staff


BEHAR: “Get some medication, Katie. I haven’t seen acting that bad since my wedding night. So, which genius in that party decided that she was the perfect spokesperson? I’ve never seen mood swings like this. One minute she’s like [sobbing noise], then she’s like gonna take a knife and stab you. Then she’s laughing like an idiot. What is wrong with her? She’s like Sybil.”

GRIFFIN: “A disaster from start to finish… It’s International Women’s Day and we put the senator in the kitchen. Like, women can be wives, they can be moms. They don’t put her in front of a podium. It was– I was hearing from Republican women everywhere like, “What? Why did they choose this? Why did she not say, ‘Put me anywhere else’?”

(Via Mediaite)

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