
VP Harris Calls for $25,000 Down Payment Grants for First-Time Home Buyers from Families that Don’t Own Homes

‘it’s about acknowledgement and then pushing through the actual policies that are not just about lip service’
By Grabien Staff


HARRIS: “We have now proposed that, if you are the child of parents who — or you were raised in a family where folks who raised you were not homeowners, when you want to go buy a home, you will be entitled to a $25,000 grant toward down payment for a home. Again, acknowledging the realities of it all. If your parents owned a home and then you as their child say, 'I want to go buy,' then your parents will likely have the opportunity and ability to say, 'Honey, you don’t have to go take out that big loan. I'm gonna take some equity out of my home to help you with that down payment.' And that’s how intergenerational wealth works. But if you start with nothing, how are we going to give people those opportunities. And so it’s about acknowledgement, and then pushing through the actual policies that are not just about lip service, but actually making a difference."

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