
Walz on ‘Misspeaking’ About Being in War: My Wife Told Me that My Grammar Is Not Always Correct

‘I‘ll never demean other service members in any way’
By Grabien Staff


BASH: “And the idea that you said that you were in war, did you misspeak, as the campaign has said?”
WALZ: “Yeah, I said we were talking about, in this case, this was after a school shooting, the ideas of carrying these weapons of war. And my wife, the English teacher, told me my grammar is not always correct. But, again, if it's not this, it's an attack on my children for showing love for me or it's an attack on my dog. I'm not going to do that. And the one thing I'll never do is I'll never demean another member's service in any way. I never have. And I never will.”


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