
Washington Post’s David Ignatius Calls on Joe Biden to Not Run in 2024

‘I admire many things that President Biden has done on domestic and foreign policy’
By Grabien Staff


IGNATIUS: "So, Mika, you've summarized my argument, what -- what led me to write this piece, just right. I admire many things that President Biden has done in domestic and foreign policy. I do think that that legacy -- and at the center of his legacy is the fact that he's -- that he stopped Trump. He stopped him in 2020, he stopped Trump's supporters in the midterm elections. He's mobilized the Justice Department that is now bringing Trump to accountability. I worry that all those achievements are at risk. And it seems to me through this summer, I haven't gone anywhere in the country, I haven't talked to any group of people where this issue of whether President Biden should run again hasn't been a centerpiece of conversation. It doesn't get into the newspapers, it doesn't doesn't get much on TV, except Fox News, which is obsessed with it. And I thought that it was time to raise that question. And, again, the heart of it is whether Joe Biden is the best person to carry this legacy forward. He may decide that he's the only person who can defeat Donald Trump. I mean, he sees that as his mission. It's why -- why he ran in the first place back in 2019. He may -- he may decide he's the guy who can do it, and nobody else can. And that's -- that's his decision. But I felt it was time to have a more public discussion about this. It is, as I say, something, I'd be surprised if you and Joe and the people you talk with are not discussing it in private. I -- certainly I -- I find that everywhere I go, it's -- it's a subject. And what journalists like me should do is -- is take issues like that, that people are talking about in private, and bring them forward so we can have a better discussion. So that's a simple explanation."


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