
Watters: Largest U.S. Electric Bus Company Goes Bankrupt After Dems Invest Millions

‘Taxpayers were funding it and now the money is gone’
By Grabien Staff


WATTERS: "Well, now they are out of the game because the company was a scam. In California, the buses caught on fire. In Philly, they broke down, and in Alaska the batteries froze in the cold. And in Minnesota they stalled out on the heels. The wheels on the bus do not go around and around and it takes a year to fix an electric bus because the parts are so rare. So why would the Democrats invest so much political capital and taxpayer capital in a broken electric bus company? Because it was a pump-and-dump scheme. Al Gore had millions invested in the company while he was lobbying the White House to herald it. George Soros had over 20 million invested in Proterra. Jennifer Granholm, Biden’s energy secretary, sat on the company’s board, she held stock in Proterra while she was secretary, and then sold it for about one-and-a-half mill. Joe Biden even put the Proterra CEO on a prestigious government board, and reports say Proterra insiders dumped their stock before the company went bankrupt. This was a political pump-and-dump, cash out before the crash. Proterra’s stock is now worth $0.17 a share. This is like Solyndra. House Republicans need to launch an immediate investigation into this taxpayer-funded scam that Biden's donors and cronies made a fortune from."

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