
When Asked What His Message to Republicans Is, Zelenskyy Says ‘Senators Have to Understand, Only in Unity We Can Win’

‘If Ukraine will be alone .. Russia will destroy us, destroy Baltic, destroy Poland’
By Grabien Staff


ZELENSKYY: "And then during — during almost eight years people began to be ready for such aggression not only with weapon, it’s not the question of weapon. You’re ready psychologically. And my — to my mind I think so. You know, God bless you, you will not have any attacks from Russia, but to my mind that in Europe there is no any nations for today who is ready for invasion because — not because we are stronger or better, not of course, we are the same with the same wills. But we have this — all these years. And your nations didn’t have and psychologically and informationally and in media, you didn’t prepare your nations. Understanding why, because nobody wants, nobody wants it. I mean, that’s why that’s why. Senators have to understand, only in unity, we can win Russia. And they have to understand that we will win with them or not. We don’t have any other way. We have only one land, our Ukraine.”

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