
White House Reporter Confronts Kirby on Biden’s ‘Red Line’ in Gaza: ‘How Many More Charred Corpses Does He Have to See?’

‘We don’t wanna see a single more innocent life taken’
By Grabien Staff


O’KEEFE: “How many more charred corpses does he have to see before the president considers a change of policy?”

KIRBY: “We don’t wanna see a single more innocent life taken. And I kind of take a little offense at the question. No civilian casualties is the right number of civilian casualties And this is not something that we’ve turned a blind eye to, nor has it been something we’ve ignored or neglected to raise with our Israeli counterparts – including, Ed, this weekend as a result of this particular strike. Now, they’re investigating it. So, let’s let them investigate it and see what they come up with.”

(Via Mediaite)

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