
Whitmer on Biden Talking a Cognitive Test: ‘I Don’t Think it Would Hurt’

‘He is the happier, he shows up every day and fights for the American public’
By Grabien Staff


WHITMER: "I don‘t think it would hurt. But here‘s the thing. There‘s a chapter in my book, I talk about being a happy warrior. I talk about, in a debate, I was encouraged to never forget that the person who looks like they‘re having the most fun wins. Certainly, the first presidential debate was — was not a great success for President Biden, but he is the happy warrior. He shows up every day and fights for the American public. He cares about other people more than he cares about himself. And that‘s precisely why I think this moment where we have Donald Trump, who‘s been convicted of 34 felonies, who cares only about Donald Trump, we can‘t lose sight of how high these stakes are. We have a field. And unless one person, Joe Biden, makes an alternative decision, this is the field and we‘ve got to go."

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