
Wine-Banks Reacts to Trump Attacking Pence: ‘If He Is Endangering Witnesses, He Must Be Stopped’

‘It is a very serious threat’
By Grabien Staff


WINE-BANKS: "Remember on January 6th, hang Mike Pence. He went out and tweeted, if Pence had done the right thing, we wouldn’t be in the trouble we are in. Then the calls to hang Mike Pence became louder. It is a very serious threat. The court system has to take it seriously. If holding him in custody is necessary, Eric Holder has already said that the bureau of prisons can handle jailing a former president who has Secret Service agents with him. And so, it is not something that is desired. I don’t think anyone wants to see that happen. Certainly, we want to see a trial and an outcome, before that is even considered. But, if he is endangering witnesses, he must be stopped."

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