
‘You’re Tweeting Like a 12-Year-Old’: Jake Tapper Challenges Union Boss Who Nearly Came to Blows with GOP Senator

‘Do you really think that that is best serving, best representing the members of the Teamsters Union’
By Grabien Staff


TAPPER: “Okay. But can I say, you’re tweeting like a 12-year-old? I mean, your tweets were — you’re not a United States senator, okay, and I get that your tweeting is not the same thing as calling somebody out during a Senate hearing. But, you know, ‘you know where to find me, anyplace, anytime, cowboy,’ you’re making fun of him for not being the tallest senator. I mean, you represent 1.3 million workers. Do you really think that tweet — there’s the tweet right there with your Pink circling of the apple box he’s standing on — do you really think that that is best serving, best representing the members of the Teamsters union?”

(Via Mediaite)

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