
‘You’re Utterly Ignorant!’ Ted Cruz Melts Down as Protesters Disrupt Speech

‘Which country is the biggest climate polluter on Planet Earth’
By Grabien Staff

(Via Raw Story)

Republican Sen. Ted Cruz melted down Thursday as climate protesters disrupted his speech.

Darin Miller, who handles Cruz's communications, shared a video of the clash on X, in which took place Thursday evening in Washington, D.C. as part of an event hosted by conservative group The Fund for American Studies.

In the video, Cruz — who once said "Um, El Paso is land-locked" after Beto O’Rourke said his son feared climate change could make their home city unlivable — stands behind a podium as protesters sit with locked arms near him.

An irate Cruz shouts into the microphone: "Hold on, hold on! Which country is the biggest climate polluter on Planet Earth? You have no idea! You're a protester and you're utterly ignorant about what you're protesting about! What's the answer?!"

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