
Colbert Blasts Trump Blaming DEI on Potomac Crash: ‘No Common Sense and No Common Decency’

‘Grocery prices? DEI chickens’


COLBERT: "No, not okay. No common sense, and no common decency. He blames everything on DEI. It’s his only game. The horrific fires sweeping through Los Angeles? DEI in the fire department. Violence in America? DEI in the police departments. Grocery prices? DEI chickens. 'Folks, I don’t understand why all of a sudden we have these brown eggs! When did that start? You need the smartest eggs you can get in there, folks. I’ve never seen a brown omelette. Right? These are not the eggs that mom used to lay. That’s all I’m saying.' So, it’s day 10, but already things in America are far from normal."

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