
Strzok: FBI Counsel Has Instructed Me Not to Answer Questions About Mueller Probe

‘Based on that I will not answer that question’
By Grabien Staff


GOWDY: "I want to ask you in that first week we’ll go ahead up to 8 days, between July 31 and August 8, how many interviews did you conduct related to the alleged collusion between Russia and the Trump campaign?"
STRZOK: "Congressman, as you know counsel for the FBI, based on the special counsel’s equities, has instructed me not to answer questions about the ongoing investigation --"
GOWDY: "I’m asking for a number. Agent --"
STRZOK: "-- into Russian attempts to interfere --"
GOWDY: "Agent Strzok, I'm asking for a number, haven’t gotten to the names. How many people had you interviewed between the beginning of July 31st and August 8th. It's eight-daytime period or a week into an investigation. How many people had you interviewed?"
STRZOK: "Congressman, I understand your question, I appreciate it and I would very much like to answer. But as I’ve stated, as you know that counsel of the FBI, based on the special counsel’s equities, have directed me not to answer any questions about the ongoing investigation into Russian attempts to interfere --" [crosstalk]


— LIVE STREAM: FBI Deputy Assistant Director Peter Strzok Testifies on 2016 Investigations

Strzok Explodes: I’m Unbiased, But My Texts Were Based on Trump’s ‘Horrible, Disgusting Behavior’ 

Strzok Downplays Calling Trump Voters ‘Ignorant Hillbillies’ Who ‘Smell’

— After Explaining ‘We’ll Stop It’ Text Message, Strzok Then Claims He Doesn’t Recall Writing It

— Gowdy: ‘Agent Strzok Has a Most Unusual and Largely Self-Serving Definition of Bias’

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