President Trump to his conservative critics: I read you loud and clear!
After coming under criticism from many on the right — most prominently, the Drudge Report — for seeming to move popular campaign promises like repealing ObamaCare and tax cuts to the back burner, this morning Trump promised that a “phenomenal” tax reform package will be presented in the next two to three weeks.
Speaking to airline executives at the White House, Trump empathized with the burdensome regulatory climate the industry is operating under, and promised to begin making reforms.
"We want to help you realize these goals by rolling back burdensome regulations, and you people are regulated probably as much as almost anybody," Trump said. "We have a regulatory morass that's a disaster."
He also promised a round of tax cuts.
"Lowering the overall tax burden on American business is big league, that’s coming along very well," Trump said. "We’re way ahead of schedule, I believe. And we’re going to be announcing something -- I would say over the next two or three weeks -- that will be phenomenal."
There likewise seems to be a renewed push for repealing ObamaCare this year. Sen. Tom Barrasso -- who is one of the organizers in the effort to craft a replacement package -- said he's "convinced" ObamaCare will be repealed this year.
Barrasso explained where the effort is at in an interview on Fox News:
BARRASSO: "We have a blueprint, a working document on ways to actually help try to deal with the terrible problems of the Obama healthcare law. Bill, there were two reports out this week. One is the people that have signed up are sicker, which means more expensive. That’s one of the things driving costs up. Fewer people signed up for ObamaCare this year than last year because they know it is not a good deal for them personally. So there are things that are going to have to change and things that won’t change. Things that won’t change people under 26 will be able to stay on their parents’ plan.”
HEMMER: "We’ve talked about that.”
BARROSSO: “People with pre-existing conditions will be protected.”
HEMMER: “Can you say that will happen this year as you just stated on taxes?”
BARROSSO: “I am convinced that it will. I continue to work with others on that, working with the chairman of the different committees, the House and the Senate. We’re continuing to work — we are committed to long-term solutions. Healthcare needs to be fixed, ObamaCare can’t be fixed. People have suffered enough. We want to provide relief. We want to help those people repair the damage that has been done to them and their lives. That’s my long-term commitment as a doctor and senator.”
Earlier in Trump's pool spray, Trump criticized government mandates hampering the airline industry. "Obsolete" equipment is being purchased for air traffic control that is making the overall industry more expensive, he said.
Trump credited his own pilot with clueing him in on the difficult government-airline relationship.
"My pilot, he is a smart guy, and he knows what’s going on, he said the government is using the wrong equipment and instituting a massive multi-billion dollar project using the wrong type of equipment," Trump said. "So let’s find out about that."