Live News
AOC on the House Floor: Rep. Yoho Called Me ‘a F*cking B*tch’
Pelosi Again Refers to U.S. Police in Portland as ‘Stormtroopers’
Maxine Waters: Trump’s Secret Police Deployment May Be a ‘Trial Run’ If He Does Not Get Reelected
Biden Campaign Staffer Interrupts Interview with Local Arizona Station
Joe Biden Says that While Hospitalized, Nurses Would ‘Breathe in My Nostrils To Make Me Move’
Fox News: Alderman Says 17 Shot in Chicago
Beto: The Texas GOP’s Covid Response Is for the Latinos ‘To Do the Dying’
Biden: ‘We Have 10,000 Volunteers; We’re Going To Try To Get Them Plugged in As Poll Workers’
Fareed Zakaria: The Conspiracy Theories Circulating Now Are Dangerous and Trump Is Trafficking in Them
Noah: Chris Wallace Has Shown a ‘Masterclass’ of How Not To Let Trump Getaway with His Bullsh*t
Trump to Chris Wallace: I Just Think You Favor Democrats
126 Things the Media Suggest Are Racist
Rep. Meeks: Trump Turning America Into North Korea with Feds Taking Protesters Off the Street
Minnesota AG Ellison: ‘Get Rid of the Word Police, I Don’t Care’
Biden: What Trump Has Done in Spreading Racism Is ‘Sickening’
Anarchists Set Fires at Portland Courthouse
Noah on Trump Wearing a Mask: ‘You Know Sh*t Is Bad’ When He’s Forced ‘To Change Character’
Eric Holder Predicts Trump Will Use ‘Paramilitary Forces’ to Rig 2020 Election
De Blasio Blames Coronavirus for Spiking Crime, Murder in NYC
Noah: Unless Kids Live in Neverland, Kids Can Spread Covid to Their Parents
Weapons of War On Our Streets: A Guide to the Militarization of America’s Police
Ore. Rep. Blumenauer: ‘Portland, Ore. Is Not Out of Control’
Joe Biden Mentions Tapping Help of ‘Voter Registration Physicians’ To Layout Proficient State Voting Process
America’s “Days of Rage”: The Extensive Left-Wing Bombings & Domestic Terrorism of the 1970s
Adm. Brett Giroir: Because We’ve Used the DPA the States Get What They Need
Rep. Bonamici on Portland Upheaval: ‘They’re Protesting Because Black Lives Matter’
Keith Ellison Says He Doesn’t Want Police Officers to Respond to Rape
Conspiracy: Dems, Media Allege Trump Prepping Military for ‘Stealing’ Election
Tara Setmayer: Trump’s Entire Career Displays Racism
Joe Biden: Hard to Make a ‘Distinction’ Between ‘a South Korean and Someone from Beijing’
Joe Biden Calls the Coronavirus ‘Covid-9’
Video Shows Chicago Funeral Shooting Where 15 Were Shot
Pelosi: By Setting a Bad Example, the ‘Trump Virus’ Needlessly Killed More Americans
McEnany on Chicago Mayor: ‘She’s Clearly Unable to Control Her Streets’
George Will Says He’s Voting for Biden, First Vote for a Democrat in His Lifetime
Heilemann on Portland: Trump Prepping to Use Military to Steal Election Through ‘Force’
Trump Announces He Will Be Eliminating AFFA
Sen. Tim Scott: Senate Dems Decided Presidential Politics Trumps Existential Threat in Communities of Color
Vandalizing American History: A List of 64 Toppled, Defaced, or Removed Statues
Chris Wallace to Trump: ‘Can You Give a Direct Answer’ Whether You’ll Accept the Results If You Lose?
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